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2019-06-06 15:47  








1. 2022.12-至今 天津财经大学,管理科学与工程学院,金融数学系,副教授

2. 2015.9-2022.12 天津财经大学,管理科学与工程学院,金融数学系,讲师









  1. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Guoli, Yang et al. Evolution of cooperation driven by diversity on a double-layer square lattice[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2022, 162: 112462.IF: 9.922, JCR/Q1,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

  2. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Wang Xinyu, et al. Evolution of cooperation in the multigame on a two-layer square network[J]. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2021, 400: 126088.IF: 4.091, JCR/Q1,中科院1区,TOP期刊)

  3. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Yan Ming, et al. Environmental feedback promotes the evolution of cooperation in the structured populations[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2019, 29(11): 113101. IF: 3.642, JCR/Q1,中科院2区)

  4. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Chang Shuhua. Reciprocal reward promotes the evolution of cooperation in structured populations[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2019, 119: 230-236. IF: 5.944, JCR/Q1,中科院2区)

  5. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Wang Xinyu, et al. Impact of probabilistic incentives on the evolution of cooperation in complex topologies[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 513: 307-314. IF: 3.263, JCR/Q2,中科院3区)

  6. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Chang Shuhua. Heterogeneous indirect reciprocity promotes the evolution of cooperation in structured populations[J]. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2018, 28(12): 123108. IF: 3.642, JCR/Q1,中科院2区)

  7. Yue Wu, Zhang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng. Environment-based preference selection promotes cooperation in spatial prisoners dilemma game[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8: 15616. IF: 4.379, JCR/Q1,中科院3区)

  8. Yue Wu, Chang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, et al. Impact of social reward on the evolution of the cooperation behavior in complex networks[J]. Scientific reports, 2017, 7: 41076. IF: 4.379, JCR/Q1,中科院3区)

  9. Yue Wu, Zhang Bin, Zhang Shuhua. Probabilistic reward or punishment promotes cooperation in evolutionary games[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2017, 103: 289-293. IF: 5.944, JCR/Q1,中科院2区)

  10. Yue Wu, Zhang Zhipeng, Chang Shuhua. Effect of self-interaction on the evolution of cooperation in complex topologies[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2017, 481: 191-197. IF: 3.263, JCR/Q2,中科院3区)

  11. Zhang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, Yue Wu, et al. Strategy preference promotes cooperation in spatial evolutionary games[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019, 514: 181-188. IF: 3.263, JCR/Q2,中科院3区)

  12. Chang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, Yue Wu, et al. Cooperation is enhanced by inhomogeneous inertia in spatial prisoners dilemma game[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2018, 490: 419-425. IF: 3.263, JCR/Q2,中科院3区)

  13. Zhang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, Yue Wu, et al. Tolerance-based punishment and cooperation in spatial public goods game[J]. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 2018, 110: 267-272. IF: 5.944, JCR/Q1,中科院2区)

  14. Zhang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, Yue Wu, et al. Coevolution of teaching ability and cooperation in spatial evolutionary games[J]. Scientific reports, 2018, 8(1): 14097. IF: 4.379, JCR/Q1,中科院3区)

  15. Chang Shuhua, Zhang Zhipeng, Li Yu, Yue Wu et al. Investment preference promotes cooperation in spatial public goods game[J]. PloS one, 2018, 13(11): e0206486. IF: 3.24, JCR/Q2,中科院3区)



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目72101174,“动态异质性视角下基于网络博弈的企业低碳技术创新扩散机制研究”,2022/1-2024/1230万元,在研。

  2. 教育部人文社会科学青年项目21YJCZH179,“环境规制不确定性下基于网络博弈的企业低碳技术创新扩散机制研究”,2021/8-2024/68万元,在研。

  3. 天津财经大学课程思政项目优秀),2020/6-2020/120.5万元,已结题。

  4. 天津财经大学青年教师预研项目02050307,奖励机制的演化博弈动力学理论研究,2017, 1万元,已结题。

  5. 天津财经大学青年教师预研项目05010171,奖励机制在演化博弈论中对合作的影响,20161万元,已结题。



  1. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”计划)项目2010CB9341002010/10 -2014/7500万元,已结题。

  2.  国家自然科学基金委员会,青年自然基金项目,114041732015-012017-1228万元,已结题。

  3. 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目19YJC630199,“考虑代际公平和可持续发展的养老金管理问题研究:基于动态博弈模型的决策分析”,2019/03-2022/038万元,在研。

  4. 教育部人文社会科学基金青年项目19YJCZH174,“排污权交易机制下低碳产品定价与供应链协同减排研究”,2019/03-2022/038万元,在研。

  5. 天津科委项目17JCYBJC43300,“气候变暖及其成因的大数据分析研究”课题,10万元, 在研。

  6. 津科委项目18ZLZXZF00550,“京津冀协同发展中跨界污染演化机制及最优策略研究”课题,2万元,已结题。

  7. 天津科委项目“云计算数据中心虚拟资源动态管理研究”课题(15JCYBJC16000),10万元,已结题



  1. 中国物理B 外审专家

  2. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals外审专家

  3. Physica A 外审专家

  4. Applied Mathematics and Computation外审专家

  5. Information Science外审专家



  1. 2024年获评天津市第六届管理科学与工程学科组评议成员。

  2. 2023年获天津财经大学“青苗计划(优秀)”人才称号。

  3. 2021年获天津财经大学“优秀共产党员”荣誉称号。

  4. 2017年获天津财经大学第十三届青年教师教学基本功竞赛优秀奖。

  5. 2016年入选天津市131创新型人才培养工程第三层次人才。






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